I’m so sorry for the blog silence I’ve been having lately. I’m going through big changes in my life (all good, nothing bad) and I’m so busy I have hardly any free time. Things are gonna calm down a bit in a near future so I believe I can also get my blog posting back on track :)
Here’s a random image of acrylic nails. I was practising using glitter powder. In the future my blog will most likely also have postings about acrylic and gel nails.
yeah for acrylic nails!!!!!! I wish there were more blogs out there that did posts on these kinds of nails!! Are you goign to school for this now???
I think it looks great :)
yay! so glad you are going to discuss acrylics and gel nails. i wear acrylics and no one ever talks about them!!
I love the green glitter and the nails are gorgrous!!
Brooke: Thanks :) I just finished the course for acrylic nails and gonna learn how to do gel nails (the ones you dry with UV-light) next in May and June.
yummy411: I take suggestions on what kind of post my readers would like me to write about acrylic nails in the future. I’m a beginner on doing them but I’m willing to share my work with you guys from the beginning :) I think acrylic nails are a great help for people with thin, soft and/or peeling nails. When they are done right they look perfectly natural and beautiful (not talking about a crazy amount of green glitter bling bling nails ;P )
Velvet: Thank you so much :) I’m a sucker for green ;)
Lisää, lisää akryyli juttuja ja kuvia! Nuo kynnet näyttävät upeilta. Kuva on varmaan asiakkaan kynsistä?
vau! aivan upeat kynnet :)
Miltonia: Kiitos :) Ihan omat kynnet olivat nuo tuossa kuvassa. Nyt olen tosin kynnet poistanut, kun ei aika riitä omia kynsiä huoltamaan :/
Kiraz-: Kiitos paljon :)