After all the crazy bright colors lately I was feeling a need to get something a little less “in your face”. OPI Bubble Bath is muted and pale, pink-ish shade. This is quite an elegant shade.
Bubble Bath isn’t the easiest one to apply. It’s quite sheer and after three coats there’s still a visible nail line. IMO the best option with this is to apply 2 coats and leave the result visibly sheer.
In this mani I used: Bubble Bath x3 and Seche Vite.
I like the baby pink shade of this. It looks really nice on you.
BTW – I used one of your pics and posted links to your blog on mine. I had to do a post about those Color Club Electro Candy. Let me know if you would prefer I take your pic down.
Brooke: Thank you :) and you have my permission to use the pic on your blog, I don’t mind at all :)
Hyvin käy sulle tälläinen vaalea sävy. Ei malttais odottaa omia Color club neoneja, tilasin pinkin ja violetin, varmasti ihkuja :)
Charming Nails: Kiitos :) Tykkään tästä itsekin tosi paljon. Loistava lakkavalinta silloin kun pitää olla hiukan hillitympi.
Kiva, kiva .. varmasti tykkäät :D Odotan innolla sun kuvia ja arvosteluja noista!
Onko sulla rakennekynnet? :)
Kiva blogi muuten sulla, oikeen inspiraation täyteinen!! :)
I love your blog, and appreciate the translations (although I’ll confess I still come to look at the pictures even when you don’t). I gave you an award on my blog.
Huhuu, missä luuraat???
Beautiful color on you.
I’m new to your blog. Check mine out when you get the chance. :)
Mihin oot kadonnut?
Johanna: Kiitos :) Kyllä, tällä hetkellä minulla on akryylikynnet. Aikaisemmissa kuvissa, ennen Color Club Electro Candy kokoelman kuvia, on aina omat luonnolliset kynnet.
Colette: Thank you so much and I’m sorry for a very slow reply!
Iina: Täällä luuraan nyt. Hirmuista kiirettä pitää, mutta lupaan parantaa tapani ja postata taas enemmän :)
Olivia C.: Thank you very much and welcome :) I will most definately check out your blog!
Anonyymi: Pahoittelen katoamistani ja yritän löytää aikaa päivitellä blogia taas useammin.
I love it! Very creative!That's actually really cool.