Just wanted to write a quick update here too. From my social media sites some of you have already seen that the baby finally arrived two weeks after the due date. They actually had to induce the labor and in the end the situation got a little crazy. They literally pulled him out in less than 10 mins cos the machines were giving them a lot of warnings and it was either that or an emergency c-section. But in the end all was well and baby was unharmed and healthy little boy. Cos of all that it’s taking me somewhat longer than I expected to recover but I’m getting there.

Baby boy is now three weeks old and along with his two big sisters he is keeping me pretty busy. Today I was actually able to paint my nails for the second time after giving birth :D I’ve only been wearing Essie Fill the Gap on my nails for three weeks now. I’m really trying to get back to some kind of normal day rhythm and have some time to blog again too.

I’m really nail polish deprived right now and I’m dying to get back to business :D