GOSH Nail Laquer has quite a nice color range. This is my first one from this brand, 548 Green Hawaii. Grass/nucreal green shade with a lot of multi-color glitter. The green on this kinda reminds me of hard to find China Glaze Moonpool polish. This one looks pretty cool on your nails. Perfect for a wild night out ;)
I also tested this one only to swatch it for you guys so again I can’t comment on drying, etc. This was quite thick in the bottle and surprisingly sheer. It needed three coats to be opaque. So in the pic there’s only three coats of wet polish.
Big big plus for a very neutral smell!
Haa, nyt sinäkin ostit GOSHin lakkoja!! :D Mulla on nyt kolme, 60 Lambada (syvä punainen), 544 Pink Lady (pinkki sinisellä shimmerillä) ja 547 Blue Monday (sininen pienellä glitterillä)
Inari: Juu oli ihan pakko ostaa tuo kun en voi noita vihreitä vastustaa :D GOSHilla on muutenkin tosi kivan värisiä lakkoja. Täytyy käydä hakemassa joku toinenkin kokeiluun.
WOW! I love that green it’s truly beautiful! Just discovered your blog, it’s great!
Thanks Vampy Varnish :) I’m glad you like it.
That is a great green polish, even better IRL. My camera has been taking quite crappy pics lately. I need to look into buying a new one (finally) after I’m sure they can fix my laptop and I get it back.
Upea vihreä! Mistä hankit GOSHisi?
Ihan paikallisesta Sokoksesta tuon ostin. Oli niin kiva sävy, että oli pakko saada kokoelmiini. Onhan se hintava jos vertaa, että OPIa ja China Glazen ym. lakkoja saa puolet halvemmalla ulkomailta. Joskus vaan tekee mieli ostaa kuitenkin ;)
Oh my goodness!
I love this color!
It’s awesome!
Is it available in the USA?
Phyrra: I have no idea if they sell it in the stores over there but I found this online-store GOSH Americas and they have Green Hawaii there too.