Category: Elevation Polish

Year 2013 – The beginning of my indie polish addiction


Year 2013 has really been mostly about indie polish for me and my blog. Last year around this time I placed my first orders for indies and received the bottles early Jan 2013. At that point I had no idea of how many indie polishes I’d end up swatching as the year went on. It’s been such exciting and fun nail polish year for me. I have met some awesome people online and tried many different brands. I started my year being an indie polish newbie and now I have about 170 bottles of indies and the count keeps going up.

So now as we are almost at the end of the year I think it’s a good time to look back on how my indie polish addiction started, what were my first bottles and the memories they bring to mind.


It all started with this, Different Dimension Soft Kitty, Warm Kitty.


Different Dimension Soft Kitty, Warm Kitty


This was the very first indie polish order for me ever. I got this polish along with Social Suicide from Different Dimension’s store. This was also the first indie polish I ever tried on my nails. I love Big Bang Theory so I mostly got this one for the name and I also ended up really liking the soft and smooth look of this polish. Trying it on now after so many other indies I have tried, it brings back nice memories and I actually like it just as much as I did the first time I tried it. It was a great pick for my first indie. Awesome name, good and easy application and great quality.

Another nice memory I have is from the New Year’s Eve night. I was just staying at home and relaxing. Got the kiddos to bed and opened a bottle of strawberry sparkling wine. I was babbling in Twitter with some other nail polish enthusiasts when The PolishAholic Jen posted a photo of an amazing combo of a creme and a glitter topper. The polishes were Elevation Polish Pic de Sotllo and Stay Behind, Catch a Wave. I was drooling at the photo and then quickly clicked myself to the Elevation Polish store (along with some other people) to buy those two polishes. I used both of the polishes but never actually did the combo I bought them for so I thought this would also be a good time to do that too.


Elevation Polish Pic de Sotllo with Elevation Polish Stay Behind, Catch a Wave

This is not the greatest photo. The amazing sparkle and glow this glitter has was quite hard to capture. Either way I’m still very happy I bought them and they also looked just as beautiful as I remembered. These two definitely hold a special place on my collection.

The straw that broke the camel’s back when it comes to indies and a point of no turning back was Jindie Nails Barney Blew Up. I saw the first photos of this cutie and I just had to have it. Such a cute polish with an adorable name. Irresistible!

So it was time to attend my first indie restock. I was sitting in front of my laptop at least 15 mins before the restock time staring at Jindie Nails Etsy store front page. As I said this was my first restock and I was a little uncertain of how it was going to happen. All I knew was that some Jindies can sell out and sell out FAST. So I was updating the page (bad me, I know) and anxiously waiting for Barney Blew Up to appear. It finally showed up and I clicked it to the cart and paid it superfast cos on Etsy you can get cartjacked. This was the first restock for Barney Blew Up and it sold out fast! I was so very proud that I was able to score such an awesome Jindie from my first restock. The stress and excitement was breath taking :D The memory of that still makes me smile :)


Jindie Nails Barney Blew Up


Jennifer saw my swatches of Barney Blew Up and we went on from there. I have now swatched countless (well 58 bottles to be exact) Jindies and I have loved each and every one of them ♥

Barney Blew Up will always be one of my favorite indie polishes  :)

I also bought some other indie polishes along with the ones mentioned here but when I look back to where it all started from, these are the first ones that come to mind. The ones that started this awesome adventure in indie polish land!

ABC Challenge – X is for Xixabangma


My X post is late but better late than never :P The letter X seemed to be a problem for many. I already got one polish for this week quite a while ago and right after ordering that one I ran into this polish on Elevation Polish webstore. I mean it’s green, it has beautiful subtle shimmer and the name was really awesome so I just had to get it right away :D

This is two coats of Elevation Polish Xixabangma with G & G HK Girl top coat.


Xixabangma has a thick-ish formula that applies really well and is opaque in two coats. This might even be a one coater for shorter nails. Dry time was quick. I just love Elevation Polish. Gorgeous colors with really unique names. I need to get more of these in my life :)
Elevations Polish beauties can be bought from their webstore.